Episode Summary

It truly takes a village to build a car. On March 9th, 1964 the first Mustang rolled off the assembly line. 56 years later, here we are. And today it is a first for us here at Ford Mustang, The Early Years podcast. We have our first panel discussion. Each of the panelists, Classic Mustang owners. Let me stop jabbing and get right to our guests today.


Episode Notes

Today’s Panelists are all Classic Mustang Owners. The list of panelists includes:

Gustavo Morais 

Gustavo is from Brazil.  And has a classic Mustang born on June 4th 1965 just 46 days older than him.


Dan Jauch

With a 64 1/2  with lots of modifications made to his Classic Mustang. According to research I’ve done, it looks like his biggest challenge recently has been installing carpet in his classic pony 

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Chris Stevens

His obsession with the Mustang started from his grandfather owning a Ford dealership and his dad’s memories of seeing them when they first landed at the dealership. 


Guido Lucido

In beautiful Guardsman blue, his Classic Fastback looks crazy fast just standing still. A fellow Mustang owner in the LA area, Anthony recently gave me the name of my now mechanic. Looking forward to seeing his classic pony side by side with mine.


Paul Stegall

Paul is the owner of 1966 Mustang Coupe out of Cleveland Ohio. His knowledge of Mustangs has grown a lot since he was just a boy. Paul is pretty active on Facebook, especially the Mustang groups and asks questions ranging from wiper blades to V8 swaps. I believe at 18 he is our youngest panelist today.


Have an idea for the show or think you’d make a great guest, send an email to the host:


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Thanks for listening, keep it safe, keep in rollin’ and keep it on the road! Until next time. 

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