Full time car hobbyist, retired machinist Merle Gallant was introduced to me by way of his daughter Kim, also an avid Classic Mustang superfan. Looking forward to heading down the road several decades to talk Classic Mustangs and a love of community and cars. Welcome Merle to Ford Mustang The Early Years podcast.
Ford Mustang, The Early Years Podcast — Guest Interview Application
Do you own a early year Mustang?: yes
If you own a Mustang, how long have you owned your ride?: 35ish years
Please upload a favorite pic of your Mustang or a classic car you drive now or have owned in the past.: NEED a PIC
What do you do for a living?:
Retired machinist, full time car hobbyist.
If you own a Mustang or classic car, have you named your car?
Anxiety Machine
If you’ve made improvements to your classic car or restored it, what work have you done?:
Many modifications, ask, love to talk about it.
If you are on social media, please share your social media names/handles so we can tag you when promoting your episode.:
Ford Mustang The Early Years Podcast (social media)
The Facebook Group
An Expert’s Guide to Maintaining Your Classic Mustang
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Cover art: Courtesy of Kim Gallant: https://www.instagram.com/kimjb86/
Keep it safe, keep it rollin’ and keep it on the road. Until next time!
~Doug Sandler