When Jay Hillison brings the classics out to the street he does it right. Checking out his YouTube channel called Fresh Vintage, you can easily see the enthusiasm for everything classic, including his Ole Pony, his very own 1965 GT Mustang, which he’s owned since 1991. Welcome Jay to Ford Mustang The Early Years podcast.
Do you own an early year Mustang?:
Yes, a 1965 GT Mustang
If you own a Mustang, how long have you owned your ride?:
Since 1991
Please upload a favorite pic of your Mustang https://secure.acuityscheduling.com/admin/intake-form-values?key=nVPW9Phw6xCYqk2KB9ulcH0RgajFHqhLWgQEyFF8HKeZlxk2waSpzwVSlK3TTdb6WHE%3D
If you own a Mustang or classic car, have you named your car?
Ole Pony
If you’ve made improvements to your classic car or restored it, what work have you done?:
Painted and general maintenance
What plans do you have for improvements/restoration/modification of your classic car?:
Possibly upgrade the steering system
Fresh Vintage YouTube:
The Facebook Group
An Expert’s Guide to Maintaining Your Classic Mustang
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Cover art Photo Credit:
Jay Hillison
Keep it safe, keep it rollin’ and keep it on the road. Until next time!
~Doug Sandler